on 10/30/09 10:18 pm - Medina, OH
Hi Friends!

Nothing too much new here.  Kids are sick with bad colds and I hope I don't get it.  I have asthma and when I get a cold it goes to my chest and never leaves.

Today is Halloween so happy Halloween to everyone!  May you have a scary night...)

We don't get any trick or treaters here.  I have tried leaving the porch light on and everything to decorating.  This year I didn't decorate.   We live in a rural part of Ohio where there is mostly farms. 

I have an old shephard who is not eating and I hope this is not a bad sign.  I would miss him if something happens but he is 16 and I know that his time could be soon.  However, he gets around very well. 

Husband is working today which is a good sign.  His company works for GM so if they are working so is my husband.  When they are slow my husband gets laid off.  Not good.

Today I think I will read for awhile and tonight crochet.  I am trying to make an afhghan for my father for Christmas.  I sure hope I am done with it by then.  Good thing I bought him something too. lol

Well, take care everyone and chat later..

Mary G

I am on my way.  What a ride it has been.

Margo M.
on 10/30/09 11:34 pm - Elyria, OH
mary-16? wow--that's an advanced age for a shepherd!!! and no hip problems??? awesoem!
give him special loving today!!!!!!!

I get up every morning determined to both change the world and have one hell of a good time. Sometimes this makes planning my day difficult.
- E. B. White


on 10/30/09 11:43 pm - Medina, OH
HI Margo..

He does have a little trouble getting up from laying in the same position for so long.  But he walks fine and can get up steps well.  He seems to have lost a little weight and that probably helps his hips. 

I know it is a long time for him to live.  We rescued him from some people who were feeding him only beer and beat him with a broom.   I think he has always been thankful.   When we got him you could see every bone in his body and he had severe  diariha.   I feed him food with rice in it and soon he got better.

I will give him some loving today...

Thanks Margo

Mary G

I am on my way.  What a ride it has been.

on 10/30/09 10:30 pm
Good morning Early Bird, Janet, and OFF friends,

Working for several hours, then off to a surprise 50th birthday party.  After that, trick or treating with the grandchildren. 

Have a wonderful weekend everyone!



Nancy H.
on 10/30/09 10:40 pm - Traverse City, MI
Good morning Janet & all. We were up most of the night. Our puppy is very sick. Hasen't eaten in a few days & has blood in his poop. Marc took him to the vet & am waiting for them to return. This one is Linus for those of you who met him. He is only about 7 lbs.  Hopefully it is something easy to fix, but we aren't believing that. Our dogs mean the world to us.

Other than that not much going on. They are still working on our trees. The wind was bad last night. I think today is just for watching TV & taking naps.
Have a great halloween!  Nan
Margo M.
on 10/30/09 11:33 pm - Elyria, OH
nan...saying a special puppy prayer....linus is a sweetiebug and i know he means the world to you....

I get up every morning determined to both change the world and have one hell of a good time. Sometimes this makes planning my day difficult.
- E. B. White


Nancy H.
on 10/31/09 12:23 am - Traverse City, MI
Hi, Marc made it back from the vets. They took x-rays & ran tests. Nothing inside that shouldn't be there & no reason for this. She is having us rehydrate him, antibiotics, & special food. I hope this passes. Marc has been up since 4 am with him.
Margo thank you for the puppy prayers. Funny how they become our "kids".
on 10/31/09 5:07 am - Bradenton, FL
You tell Lioness that his Auntie said to behave himself and drink. !!!!! Love to you guys. CArla
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Nancy H.
on 10/31/09 5:18 am - Traverse City, MI
Marc is giving him IV fluids & he is already looking & acting better. Thank goodness! Almost back to his old self. I like the calm personality, but you & I know it's not him!!!!
annette R.
on 10/30/09 10:50 pm - ithaca, NY
WitchHappy Halloween. Three years ago today I dressed up in a surgical gown as a bariatrics patient. How appropriate for a woman with 8 black cats.

There have been so many good changes. To mention a few - I am off 10 medications, no more knee injections to walk pain free, I can jump on a trampoline without fear of breaking it, I can tie my own shoes, at least two grands fit on my lap at the same time, my hubby can give me a piggy back ride, I don't wake in the night choking on acid reflux, I got out of the box and rode in an airplane. Wow, it has been quite a trip!

My OFF family has supported my struggles though the years. You made this easier.

Kisses and Thank You to all.
 Annette     Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting           
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